963 Coffee Fundraiser

963 Coffee Fundraiser
40% of your purchases go to support our adoption! It's simple. Click on the picture. The link takes you to our 963 affiliate website. Place an order, and our adoption fund receives 40% of the purchase!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

One month DTE!

We have officially been on the waiting list now for one whole month! I have to say it will probably be the easiest month we spend waiting. We know we have at least 3 months before they say we might have a referral but with the slow down that occurred when the Ethiopian government and courts changed their court requirements to parents being required to make a court appearance we have a feeling that it will be at least 5-7 months but we don't really know. So what have we done while we've been waiting? We had a 2 year old birthday party for our little Wyatt, a visit from the Austin Cragers (my brother and his family), let Pop host Oliver in his backyard for O's first camping experience, and helped with a garage sale this weekend (thanks Garretts and Jones for letting us join in). We've definitely stayed busy...guess that isn't too hard with two boys under 4 years old. I have a feeling this next month will go by just as fast which is a great thing in the adoption world. Hopefully I'll post more this next month. Also, a HUGE thank you to those of you that have supported our adoption costs by purchasing a t-shirt. Your support means more to us than you know...more than a thank you can convey. You are a huge part of our child's story. Thank you again. And we still have more t-shirts to sell for those of you still wanting to help! Here's to month 2!

1 comment:

Crazy Roots in Africa said...

I wanted so badly to post all the cute and cool pics of numbers on our countdown and waiting, but we only made it to 9 days! No complaints!
Here's to hoping you don't have to seek out too many really cool numbers.