963 Coffee Fundraiser

963 Coffee Fundraiser
40% of your purchases go to support our adoption! It's simple. Click on the picture. The link takes you to our 963 affiliate website. Place an order, and our adoption fund receives 40% of the purchase!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Talk about a giveaway!

This family is holding the "mother" of all fundraising giveaways! Check it out...and if you win I'd love to steal the Ethiopian flag blanket from you for steering you their way! And maybe a t-shirt or 2...or maybe the snack bags! I love me some good snack bags!! So let's just say I want to win it all...feel free to enter your name as "Autumn Chambers" or something like that...

1 comment:

Erica said...

Thank you so much!! We surely must meet in Austin! Can't wait!!! Where are you staying?