963 Coffee Fundraiser

963 Coffee Fundraiser
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Monday, October 25, 2010


PRAISE THE LORD we have a court date! Our court date is for December 23rd!!! NOW...I'm not gonna lie...my first response was not PRAISE THE LORD! My first response was ??????????? I NEVER thought she was going to tell me a date in December much less the END of December much less 2 days before CHRISTMAS after we decided to leave the boys home for our court date trip!! BREAK MY HEART!!! However, I knew God was whispering to me...remember I'm in control...remember MY timing is perfect...remember how much I love you...remember I work ALL things for your good...remember I hold the universe in my hands...this was not a surprise to God! HE PICKED this date for us! And we give thanks! We probably were not going to have her home by Christmas with a November court date and this way we get to see her as a Christmas present! And just think...we have the privelege of taking care packages to waiting children for other adopting families and now those families have time to KNIT new Christmas sweaters and snail mail them to us (which saves money) for us to take! (OK...that was a little sarcasm thrown in) But we know this is a good thing...even when the circumstances are not what we would have chosen. We will make the best of this situation because we serve the Lord with gladness. We ask for your prayers for our travel arrangements and wisdom for when to go and how to work it all out. We ask for prayers as we wait longer to bring our daughter home and we ask for prayers for all the other families waiting with us. Thank you for walking along beside us in this journey!

Location:FM 529 Rd,Houston,United States


Hill Country Happenings said...

Wonderful news and wonderful outlook!

lesli said...

hey Autumn, i just stumbled across your blog and wanted to say hi. my husband and i are adopting a little boy from ET and just got our court date of December 21, so it looks like we'll be in country the same time. we can't wait!! anyways, congrats on your date and blessings to y'all in this journey :)

Karen said...

wooowhooo!! fantastic news!! we spent thanksgiving in ET last year, and it was awesome!! really excited for you guys!!! Praise God!!

Debb said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Even though it is later than preferred, you HAVE A DATE!!! The countdown begins! How exciting! :o)

Wife said...

congrats! His time IS the best :) I'm so glad you are feeling peace from that! What a great present!