963 Coffee Fundraiser

963 Coffee Fundraiser
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

If I was a song writer...

10,000 children and all I can do is just talk.
While my house is full of possessions that negligence bought.
Everyone tells me that I'm not to blame,
Why do I still feel the same?

Only love can save us all.
Only love can save us all, save us all.

10,000 children are my invitation to change.
To continue in excess now suddenly feels oh so strange.
Prayers and money should not be confused,
But I pray that both still are used.

Only love can save us all.
Only love can save us all

What will become of me?
Inside of history

10,000 children and all I can do is just talk.

ABSOLUTELY love this song. If I could write a song I hope that I would be able to write a song like this. And if I could fit ALL these lyrics on a t-shirt or a car magnet I would wear it everyday! It's by Dave Barnes and it's on i-tunes. Go download it...listen to it. Hear it...really heart it. "While my house is full of possessions that negligence bought" perfectly sums up my existence most times. Are you like me? Can you relate? Will I continue in excess or can I spare another $30 to sponsor another child that so desperately needs it? What I can do without so another can do with bare basics? How can I make a difference? What is God asking of you...I know He's asking something. Will you listen? Will I listen? Will I act? Will you act?

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