963 Coffee Fundraiser

963 Coffee Fundraiser
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Sunday, January 30, 2011

On our way to gotcha day!!!!

It's 4:30 in the morning here in Dubai and I'm UP and little jittery! We slept quite a bit off and on since arriving here at noon yesterday (2:00 am our time). We took "naps" and then woke up for a room service dinner and then tried to go to bed for the night around 6:00 pm with a 5:30 wake up call. As we turned everything off in the room Josh couldn't sleep knowing we had Zadie's lap tikcet hanging over our head. Even thought she will be sitting in our laps, Emirates still requires a paper ticket. We were told to find a ticket counter and buy it and we're also encouraged to do it in Dubai since this is their main hub. Josh called Emirates (using hotel phone...we learned that lesson the hard way last time thanks for a $500 cell phone bill). Emirates told him to buy it downstairs. So Josh got dressed and walked the airport looking for a place to buy her ticket just so it would be done. He finally found one and then had himself a little ice cream and espresso before heading back upstairs! I didn't know the difference...I had taken an ambien sleeping pill and was so confused as to why he was standing up fully dressed when I thought he was sleeping next to me! HA! I was OUT OF IT!

Now to the good part! In 3 hours we board our plane to Addis Ababa! After a 4 hour flight we will be ON THE GROUND in Ethiopia. We will then very shortly after go and get our girl!!! There are not past itineraries to lean on her and as were told we could interview any day this week so I don't know at this point if we'll get FOREVER tonight or just visit her today and have her FOREVER tomorrow! But I'll keep you updated! This trip has been SO emotional for me! This is not just another step to take in this process, not another box to check off...THIS IS THE LAST STEP!! We are bringing her home FOREVER!! Now reading Mary Beth Chapman's new book on a long flight with no sleep and a small glass of white wine doesn't help settle my emotions!!!! I was so that crazy lady that had to keep taking her glassess of to wipe away tears and was just so grateful to be on that plane right then going to get our daughter! We don't have to wait on ONE MORE MOWA letter! We did it...all paperwork has been filled out and submitted! This adoption marathon is about to have the finish line in sight! And ironically Josh and I were supposed to be running the full and half (for me!) marathon this weekend in Houston. Instead we sat on our tushes for 16 hours! HA! Or more so...instead we're completing an 18 month marathon that God has orchestrated every event of! Thank you again for your prayers! GOTCHA DAY PICTURES COMING SOON!


Debb said...

WOW! You are SO CLOSE TO THE FINISH LINE yet at the same time, you are at the BEGINNING OF A PRECIOUS NEW CHAPTER! Blessings to you! Can't wait to see pics!

jackie said...

I cant wait to see all the pictures and hear how your trip went! I read that same book over to ET for court on the plane and boy, was I a MESS!! LOL!