963 Coffee Fundraiser

963 Coffee Fundraiser
40% of your purchases go to support our adoption! It's simple. Click on the picture. The link takes you to our 963 affiliate website. Place an order, and our adoption fund receives 40% of the purchase!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Here are a few of my treasures...we also would treasure your prayers on getting the littlest treasure home with us for good as quickly as possible! We'll update you when we hear any information!

More photos and a nursery tour to follow...but this mommy heart can only focus on one thing and the anxiety of not knowing when our travel dates will be is taking center stage...but we're fully relying on God so we'll be fine! Thanks for your prayers!

1 comment:

Debb said...

May your travel dates to clarified quickly and may they be SOON!!!!!!! :o)